What is Dutch Direct BoxLots?

Dutch Direct BoxLots is our online Mayesh Market program to order directly from Holland.

Shop online from our robust inventory direct from Holland via our Mayesh Market program, Dutch Direct BoxLots. Depending on where you are located, you can have your order delivered to your local Mayesh for pick up or delivery, or have your order shipped directly to your door anywhere in the U.S.

  • Shop online 24/7 for full boxes directly from Holland - cutoff is on Wednesday (times vary by branch) for the following week.
  • You can shop in combination with all of our other online shopping programs.
  • Products are updated weekly.

*Currently only available at certain branches, more locations coming soon!


Dutch Direct BoxLots looks slightly different from other mayesh.com program shop pages because the product images and names are pulled straight from our Dutch supplier. We do not have control of the images that are displayed. 

The shopping experience is similar to any other mayesh.com program. Use the filters to help narrow down what you are looking for along with a Dutch Direct BoxLots shopping page search bar to select exact products (the main website search bar is NOT currently connected to the Dutch Direct BoxLot products).